
Everything you need to make your business grow super fast!

Quote Estimation

Example painting quote estimator. This Spread can be embedded in your website to retain potential customers and improve customer satisfaction.

Investment Calculator

Helping a client with financial literacy? Create a spreadsheet, convert it using Spread and send the link to your client. They can open in on their computer or on their smartphone. Minimal inputs reduces information overload and improves retention. A happy client is a returning client.

Business Reports

Does your spreadsheet have sensitive information? Don't worry, your mark-up rates and other calculations are kept on our servers.

Pricing Calculator

Are you writing a report and need interactive charts embedded in your think-piece? Create a Spread without any required inputs, showcase your research and allow Spread to emphasise your points.

Revenue Calculator

Does your spreadsheet have sensitive information? Don't worry, your mark-up rates and other calculations are kept on our servers.

Showcase Trends

Are you writing a report and need interactive charts embedded in your think-piece? Create a Spread without any required inputs, showcase your research and allow Spread to emphasise your points.